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The Full Story
EmLucy™ is a secure web application specifically designed to manage healthcare information for patients in Skilled Nursing Facilities. The system includes all required features for Skilled Nursing Facilities.
EmLucy™ is designed to include the Patient Driven Patient Model (PDPM) unveiled in October 2019. The application performs the calculation and integrates clinical data collection for the MDS forms used in the calculation. In addition, EmLucy™ features the status of the medical conditions for each patient and workflow status of each employee in the facility. EmLucy™ is schedule driven. A patient’s medical condition is always monitored, and a timely reminder of a patient’s medical needs is provided to the care giver. The status of each patient is reported to the care giver for review.
EmLucy™ completely implements PDPM requirements to calculate and generate MDS scores automatically based on a patient’s ICD-10 diagnosis and level of care received by a patient. When a patient resides in the facility, a schedule (eMAR, MDS data collection) is generated for the care giver to fulfill based on his or her role at the facility. For example, the care giver can be a nurse, a CNA or a therapist, each of whom participates in MDS data collection based on their roles. The system accumulates all daily care information for a patient to calculate the final PDPM score for billing to the CMS. For MDS data collection, repetitive clinical tasks are generated daily by the system, and completed by care givers as needed. All data collection forms are linked to a specific section in the MDS form submitted to the CMS by the system. As a result, the MDS coordinator can manage the data collected for the MDS forms quickly and efficiently, even in a facility with hundreds of patients.
The major features of EmLucy™ are described below.
The Graphical User Interface layout is uniquely designed to provide the status of each patient instantly and provide a detailed workflow for each care provider. A patent on the design has been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
The smart navigation feature is intuitive and developed to assist the health care provider in finding the desired record with the fewest number of clicks.
EmLucy™ performs a PDPM calculation with its integrated clinical data collection to provide the full MDS 3.0 form at the end of a patient’s stay. When a patient is admitted the facility, the care schedule is generated automatically based on an ICD-10 diagnosis for care givers to serve the patient. The clinical data for repetitive tasks is collected daily, or as needed, by the care givers and printable in PDF format. The MDS coordinator only needs to review and import the collected data into the MDS form for completion before sending the MDS form to the CMS for billing.
EmLucy™ is connected to other healthcare facilities through a secure direct message connection. When transferring a patient to another facility, instead of printing the summary of care (SOC) document and sending it along with the patient, the system can create and send the SOC to the admitting facility electronically.
When admitting a new patient, the system imports the information including the patient's personal data, allergies, medications and health problems directly into the database.
Electronic prescriptions can be sent to a pharmacy via a secure direct message connection.
Digitized laboratory result files can be imported into the system in either .jpg or .png format.
EmLucy™ allows care givers to export summary of care records, reportable lab result records, immunization records, and encounter records using .xml format digitized files.
EmLucy™ includes all standard codes required by care givers such as CPT, CVX, ICD-10, LOINC, NDC, RxNorm, Snomed, etc.
When a new medication is prescribed for a patient, EmLucy™ performs an instant drug to drug interaction check from the latest national database.
EmLucy™ automatically creates the schedule for dispensing medication to a patient in a timely manner.
A complete electronic medication administration record (eMAR) is included with bar code scanning capability.
EmLucy™ provides a decision support feature to assist care givers while making clinical decisions for patients. For example: EmLucy™ generates gender specific examination recommendations for patients who have reached a certain age.
EmLucy™ generates statistics documents based on the inputs defined by care givers. Examples are the number of admitted patients who are diagnosed with Diabetes during a month, or the number of patients who are due for an MDS assessment within the next week.
EmLucy™ includes sources of educational materials related to medical conditions of patients. An example is a patient document describing lipid panel results.
EmLucy™ includes an internal message system to facilitate communication between staff members. It also includes a feedback feature to provide communication about the product to the system developers.
EmLucy™ allows patients to access their medical records via a secure internet connection.
System maintenance is minimum since no proprietary software is required to be installed on users' computers. SnfSoft takes care of the server maintenance.
The main goal of EmLucy™ is to make information available whenever it is needed and make it accessible promptly to promote the well-being of patients. All data are arranged for ease of use for service providers.
EmLucy™ follows the 2014 specifications defined by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology. The application is certified for 25 out of 43 criteria specified for In-Patient settings. Fifteen additional criteria have been included in the system and they have been tested successfully but not yet certified by an accredited certification body.
EmLucy™ is a Java based web application running on a Glassfish web server. This main engine resides on a central server and accesses patient data stored in a MySQL relational database unique to each facility. The connection between the main engine and the database allows authorized care givers to access and update all information related to patients. Meanwhile, the main engine supports parallel connections to allow multiple users to access any record for any patient at the same time. Once a patient’s information is entered or updated in the database, all other active users at a facility can see the information with a click of a button.
Facility List
Facility Status Page
Summary of Care Import
Create MDS Form
Patient Status Page
Doctor Status Page
Nurse Status Page
MDS Coordinator Status Page
Let’s Work Together
EmLucy™ is currently open for free registration. An applicant is provided total access to a facility at setup with sample employees and patients. The facility comes with multiple personnel profiles to test out different roles in different working conditions. A brief User Guide is available in the introduction to enable a user to perform the basic functions of running a facility. A full User Guide is inside the software with more detailed descriptions.
You will be taken to the LucyAdmin login page. Click Register, then follow the easy step-by step instructions to complete the registration process.
System requirements to access EmLucy™
High speed Internet connection of 50 Mbps or higher
Any computer (desktop, laptop) or Mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Android phones, tablets) with one of two major web browsers (Firefox, Chrome). Other browsers may work with EmLucy™ but they haven't been certified by the SnfSoft development team.